Why Uasin Gishu will have its own nyayo milk for schools
Mkulima today we have witnessed changing climatic conditions and low farm productivity that is aimed at feeding a growing population. As a result, traditional farming methods will not support the huge demand. One of the ways to help is by the use of old techniques with technology and one of the pillars is the reason why Uasin Gishu county will have its own nyayo milk for schools.
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This is a great plan to ensure direct employment and production at the ward levels in every country that translates directly to the national revenue and GDP.
milk for schools
With the political season almost upon us, sleeves are being rolled and hands are getting dirty.
The 2017 candidate for governor in the great county of Uasin Gishu and one of the largest employers in the country have crafted his plan for the campaigns based on local economic development.
Buzeki the owner of the Buzeki group and one of the largest farmers in Kenya is keen to take the mantle from the outgoing governor and take his people o the promised land.
Our farm sizes are dwindling as our population continues growing.
The demand for food is on the rise.
The traditional methods of farming are becoming less viable. Many people are now living in Towns and cities and require a constant supply of food.
Intensive technology-driven Agriculture is the only way to Counter the Challenges.
Milk is one of the farm products that can significantly tilt the income of our farmers.
Modern zero-grazing is the way to go. This can succeed if there are joint efforts from the farmers and Governments of the day.
National Government should support Dairy farmers by ensuring that subsidized fertilizers are available for hay and other Animal feed production.
Diesel fuel for farmers should be tax exempted. This can be done through the voucher system whereupon verification a farmer is issued with a redeemable voucher to be used at the buying point. It’s will not be a loss to Government.
When farmers are supported they will produce more and create employment which will also expand the tax brackets.
Counties on the other hand should ensure that farmers are supported through their cooperative societies. Each society should be provided with necessary feed processing machines, requisite capacities, and timely extension services.
The quality of Animal breeds should also be monitored by the Counties. This will ensure that the coolers that have been installed are sufficiently utilized.
With time every Sub County should have its small Milk processing plant. Milk produced within a particular region can be processed and consumed locally.
it is tragic that we still have Milk from Uganda on our shelves as our farmers are still crying due to marketing challenges. With proper focus and seriousness, we can turn our current Challenges into opportunities.
The economic sleeping GIANT.
The Kenya dairy industry is the largest agricultural sub-sector and is largely private-sector driven, the dairy sub-sector contributes about 8% of the GDP with annual milk production of 3.4 billion litters.
1000 liters of milk creates 23 full-time jobs for the self-employed and 50 jobs indirectly making a total of 73 jobs per 1000 liters, thus the dairy sub-sector generates about 1million direct jobs annually at the farm gate level, this does not include the jobs created on value addition and sales at the further end of the value chain.
Uasin Gishu county is the Créme Dé La Créme of the dairy industry in Kenya.
We have the right climate, good water, and soils to produce high-quality pasture for dairy animals.
However, the industry still remains a sleeping giant with nothing significant to talk about in economic achievement for the citizens of UG COUNTY.
The TAI ole TAI clarion call in the 2017 elections was to develop a robust dairy industry Strategy.
This is from production to value addition, the implementation of this noble idea would have created a huge positive impact on the socioeconomic status of the Uasin Gishu County Citizens.
Nevertheless, this dream is alive and valid in the hearts of many UG citizens, we will implement it in the goodness of time.
Time is moving fast, let me take you back memory lane and jog your mind on what
We outlined in our manifesto the benefits of robust dairy farming in Uasin Gishu county,
- Free milk for schools will improve the health of the children and school attendance
- Job creation at the farm gate level through increased milk production
- Job creation at the processing factory and sales team
- a Business opportunity to animal feed manufacturers and their employees
- Job opportunities for Veterinary Professionals and extension service officers
- Job opportunities for dairy technicians
7.increased revenue streams by Exporting heifers to Rwanda, Tanzania, Congo
- Biogas energy to protect the environment from deforestation
- Growth of business within the agrovets sector
- An increase in animals will increase cow dung volume thus increasing our soil fertility,
Buy Uasin Gishu build Uasin Gishu !! We need to be consuming our own milk for schools, milk, Yoghurt, ghee, butter, etc
I have mentioned just a few,
We must awaken up this sleeping giant In 2022 and beyond, I am committed to changing the fortunes of dairy farmers and maize farmers, starting from UG county and impacting the entire nation.
We must make good use of our God-given blessing of owning large tracks of land lest we eventually sell the land to cater for our financial needs which old-school farming practices cannot provide for us.
This is as a result of electing leaders who have no commitment and fidelity to being selfless and loyal on matters farming, which is the fulcrum that the lives of our community are hinged on.
Tujenge ELDORET mjini Kwa KAZI na HAKI .
Tai ko Front // JESO kotonon
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