Why Kakuzi Kenya limited is off the hook in London for the criminal activities on their farms in Kenya.
Mkulima today several farmers and companies are working hard and burning the midnight oil to be the best in their industry and capture the attention of their potential clients in ending war to boost sales. This market competition has led to better products in the market and increased opportunities for both produces and consumers. Today we go behind the scenes on why kakuzi Kenya limited is off the hook in London for the criminal activities on their farms in Kenya.
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Kakuzi Kenya Limited
As a result of stiff competition, several avenues have been created across the agriculture value chain including the opening up of the international markets.
Sometime in the recent past the management of kakuzi Kenya limited one of the leading vegetables and fruit produces in Kenya was accused of human rights violations and mistreatment of their staff and even the community.
This led to negative and legal issues following the organization including its products being banned in some markets. Kakuzi is also one of the largest exporters of fresh farm produce from Kenya to the global market.
It was announced in London that the claims concerning allegations against Camellia PLC, in relation to Kakuzi PLC operations, have been resolved.
As reported previously Kakuzi was dropped as a party to the United Kingdom proceedings in July of 2020.
Kakuzi still does not know the identities of the claimants making it very difficult to hold any individual accountable.
The company continues to commit to working with the local investigative authorities with a view of ensuring that any offenders who may be identified during these investigations are prosecuted.
The agricultural produce exporter and producer says that the community is protected and victims will not just receive reparations but justice.
As stated in October of 2020 Kakuzi as a company began the development of an operational grievance mechanism commonly known as OGM to enhance the timely and sensitive resolution of grievances that any stakeholders including the staff, community, and other parties may have with the company.
The OGM will be fully compliant with the United Nations guiding principles on business and human rights. The company also says they will fair, transparent, and independent in resolving any complaints of personal injuries connected to Kakuzi’s operations.
The operational grievances mechanism is being developed with extensive consultation with the local community.
An independent internationally recognized human rights consultancy organization will take the lead on the implementation of this. The organization is the Triple R Alliance.
They as a company have also engaged independent experts to conduct a comprehensive human rights impact assessment of their operations.
This is aimed at ensuring the local communities and commercial partners can have confidence in their commitment to the attainment of the highest standards of business and human rights.
The company says it is well advanced in the process of establishing an independent human rights advisory committee (IHRAC) whose role will be to provide independent advice to the board of directors on the matters relating to human rights and governance structures within and around the company.
Although not a party to the litigation or the settlement the company will put in place measures for the benefit of the communities on and around the company’s properties and assets.
Over the years Kakuzi Kenya Limited has made a number of significant land excisions from its titles.
These include areas now used for
- Markets
- Government offices
- Trading centers
Kakuzi has also provided land for
- Schools
- Churches
- Police stations
All these named areas and locations are accessible by use of public roads and private roads provided for by the company. The company also says it will further implement a number of development projects in their areas of operations and other locations by installing security lights to improve security in the regions.
It also aims to boost its working relationship with the community in order to facilitate access to sustainable fuelwood and to increase the use of energy-saving stoves.
One of the key importance to the company is the ability to maintain its close working relationship with the communities around its areas of operations.
This is to be achieved by the company appreciating the community concerns and issues especially in regards to the impact of their operations as an organization.
The company will construct two community halls to allow for regular meetings to take place between the community liaison teams from the company and community members.
Kakuzi Kenya limited says it remains committed to its core values of acting
- honestly
- fairly
- with integrity and
- respect
This is with the community and all stakeholders in mind.
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