What causes wilt diseases in tomatoes farming
Mkulima today tomatoes diseases are one of the leading causes of losses to farmers. Several farmers suffer huge losses as a result of attacks by pests and disease leading to poor production by the tomato plants. What causes wilt diseases in tomatoes farming?
This is the billion-dollar question we are covering together today. Wilt is a symptom of plant disease that is due to water loss in stems and leaves, and a result of bacteria, fungi, and viruses spreading to plants
Tomato wilt
To help you have control of the tomato plants be hands-on and avoid telephone farming.
If you cannot be present on the farm kindly find a reliable farmhand who will be your support on the farm.
My advice to you is to keep a keen eye on the farm on a daily basis in order to handle any issues quickly and decisively.
Read more
Tomato diseases how to fight bacterial wilt.
A farmer’s secret guide to making big cash in tomatoes farming
10 tips for growing tasty and abundant tomatoes
The first symptoms of tomato wilt appear as the fruit begins to mature, including
- yellowing and browning leaves,
- stunted leaf growth, and
- wilting foliage.
The first signs are the lower leaves of the plant turning yellow.
This sometimes occurs only on one side of the plant, or on one side of a particular branch. Yellowing is followed by leaf and stem wilting.
The solution to what causes wilt diseases in tomatoes farming
To quickly revive a wilting tomato plant, water it immediately.
Move the tomato plant if it is anywhere near a walnut tree, as the walnut tree emits a toxin called juglone, which enters the soil and can affect surrounding plants.
Fertilize the soil before planting tomatoes and again when it starts to set fruit.
This information does not apply to tomato plants that are wilting due to bacterial wilt.
You cannot revive a plant that has been infected with bacterial wilt. The best thing to do when you have a tomato plant infected with bacterial wilt is to dispose of it immediately.
Mkulima today one of the most common reasons for wilting tomatoes is dehydration.
A lack of sufficient water can have a tomato plant and its fruit shriveling up in no time.
Make sure you are providing your plant with enough water to keep fruit from wilting. Tomatoes need at least two inches of water per week, be it provided by rainfall or by manual watering.
There are many practices you can do to help control and prevent wilt disease.
Some of these viable options include
- Plant resistant varieties when available.
- Rotate crops often.
- Remove any infected plants from the garden immediately upon notice.
- Clean and sterilize any garden tools used to remove infected plants.
- Use an insect killer to control garden pests that spread diseases that lead to wilt.
- If problems persist, try installing raised beds and using new soil.
- Alternatively, you could try container gardening for your tomato plants.
- Test and amend to bring soil to a pH range between 6.2 and 6.5.
- Space out new plants to give each plenty of room in order to promote better air circulation.
- If you have tried everything and still are having issues with wilt, the solarization of your garden beds may be the answer.
Credits: Matt Gibson
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