The top 7 projects at the ministry of agriculture
Mkulima today we will be reviewing the ministry of agriculture. The leading organization that works with farmers to ensure food security in the country.The top 7 projects at the ministry of agriculture.
The core mission for the establishment of the ministry is to have a secure a healthy nation that is anchored by an innovative, commercially oriented competitive agriculture sector.
The mission of the agriculture ministry in Kenya is to improve the livelihood of Kenyans.
Ensure food security through the creation of an enabling environment.
Lastly ensuring sustainable natural resources management.
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The top projects at the ministry of agriculture (continued)
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The ministry’s core functions include but not limited to the list we have below
ii). Supporting agricultural research and promoting technology delivery
iii). Facilitating and representing agricultural state corporations in the government
iv). Development, implementation, and coordination of programs in the agricultural sector
v). Regulating and quality control of inputs, produce, and products from the agricultural sector
vi). Management and control of pests and diseases
vii). Collecting, maintaining, and managing information on the agricultural sector
1.Small scale irrigation and value addition project (SIVAP)
The Government of Kenya (GoK) through the ministry of Agriculture at Kilimo house.
Has often developed initiatives that stimulate growth and are aimed at enhancing the agricultural sector performance
The project was started in 2015, as part of its efforts to enhance agricultural production.
SIVAP builds on the successes achieved through the implementation of the Small-scale Horticulture Development Project (SHDP)
The main purpose of SIVAP is to contribute to poverty reduction by ensuring
- increased agricultural productivity and incomes;
- food security among beneficiaries of eleven counties.
The target counties are in the arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya where the amount of rainfall received is low to moderate.
In this region, the target population has high poverty rates and low food security index.
The Small Scale Irrigation and Value Addition Project (SIVAP) is funded by the Government of Kenya, a loan from the African Development Bank (AfDB), and a grant from the Global Agriculture and Food Security Programme (GAFSP).
The project envisions and aims to benefit 10,400 households in these 11 counties.
his project is under the State Department of Crops Development in the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation. It is a six-year project running from June 2016 to June 2022.
Contact SIVAP project here
2. Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme (DRSLP)
This is a multinational effort to fight drought and ensure sustainable livelihoods.
DRSLP was started to mainly cover the horn of Africa.
It is aimed at covering a total 0f eight IGAD states namely
- Kenya
- Djibouti
- Eritrea
- Ethiopia
- Somalia
- Sudan
- Southern Sudan
- Uganda.
This followed the resolution of the Heads of State and Government Summit held in Nairobi in September 2011.
One of the core issues in the meeting was draught and how to deal with it in the horn of Africa.
The programme is designed to be implemented in three phases of five years each.
DRSLP in the Horn of Africa- Kenya Project covers six Arid and Semi-arid counties.
The project aims at benefiting 168,900 households.
It is a five-year project co-financed by the African Development Bank (AfDB), through a loan, and the Government of Kenya (GoK).
The project is being managed by the State Department for Crops Development in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation.
The purpose of the project is to contribute to poverty reduction, food security and accelerated sustainable economic growth in the Horn of Africa through enhanced rural incomes.
Some of the main fighting fronts for the project include
- water supply for human, livestock and irrigation;
- improvement of crop & livestock production,
- marketing and disease management, and
- capacity building.
The Time frame
The project commenced in July 2013 and was expected to close in June 2018.
However, due to the initial delay in the project start, the Government was granted a one-year extension by the African Development Bank with an end date of 2019.
Contact DRSLP project here
3. Kenya Cereal Enhancements Programme (KCEP-CRAL)
This a project that is an expansion to the ASALs of the Kenya Cereal Enhancement Programme (KCEP) which became effective in April 2014.
This is through a partnership between the Government of Kenya (GoK), the European Union (EU), and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
The overall development objectives of the KCEP is to contribute to national food security and smallholder income generation.
This is by supporting farmers to increase the productivity and profitability of key cereal commodities – maize, sorghum, and millet, and associated pulses.
KCEP support is focused on farmers in medium- and high-potential production areas of the country.
In line with the Government’s priorities, KCEP-CRAL will expand this support to smallholder farmers in the ASALs.
Contact the KCEP-CRAL project here
4. Regional pastoral livelihoods resilience project -resilience
The Government is spearheading the World Bank aided Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP-Kenya).
With the objective to enhance livelihoods resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities.
The project adopted a two- tier implementation approach.
This is because the 2010 constitution devolved agriculture and led to the creation of 14 County Project Implementation Units.
This unit is co-ordinated by the National Project Implementation Unit at the Headquarters, Nairobi.
Through this project, the government is committed to supporting pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in their efforts to reduce vulnerability.
The top 7 projects at the ministry of agriculture Continue reading about the other projects here
For more information contact the ministry of agriculture here
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