The surge of Newcastle disease in chicken farming in the field
Mkulima today in recent days we have noticed an increase in Newcastle disease infection in the field.
I would like to remind all our farmers to take great and exceptional interest in ensuring that your flocks are well vaccinated at the right time and with the right vaccine.
Make sure to purchase the vaccines from a reputable source to make sure what you purchase is of the best quality.
For the vaccines to be effective ensure they are well administered and by a professional. This will ensure an active immunity that will affect your flock in case of the Newcastle disease outbreak.
Points to note
The Newcastle disease is real and can destroy 70% of your nonvaccinated flock. The other issue to keep in mind is that the disease has no cure.
Loss of flock can also be as a result of poor vaccination technique or use of ineffective, poorly stored, or expired vaccines.
Newcastle disease is caused by a paramyxovirus. The diseases are highly contagious and are spread through infected droppings and respiratory discharge between the flock.
It is easily spread from farm to farm through
- contaminated equipment,
- trucks and vehicles
- human beings
- wild birds
- or air
Newcastle disease causes a high mortality rate and depression in chicken farms. Death can be experienced in 3 to 5 days after infection.
The main signs to watch out for include
- The high mortality rate of your birds
- Labored breathing with wheezing
- Twisted neck
- Stargazing
- Greenish droppings
Though there is no cure, proper vaccination practices will enable you to offer protection to the chicken.
In a well-managed poultry breeding farm or companies like Kenchic or KALRO, the birds are vaccinated at the hatchery using the latest and best techniques.
Apply the most advanced vaccination technology with maximum precision. Nothing is left out to chance since it means you avoid losses and get to your farm’s potential of earnings and production.
What you have to do
Make sure you practice strict biosecurity measures on your farm. Use the all-in-all-out method to prevent the spread of pathogens into the farm unit.
The things to do include
- All in all out
- Strict biosecurity on the farm
- Separate birds of different ages
- Do not keep old litter on the site dispose of off at least a kilometer away
- Do thorough cleaning using Kenchic recommended disinfectant like
- TH4
- Ultracide
- Ultraxide
- Norocleanse
- Biotek
- Biofect
- Keep visitors and other pieces of equipment out of the poultry site.
- Stick to Kenchic recommended vaccine types
- Ceva BIL
- VH+H120
- Administer vaccines at the right time and dosage as recommended by Kenchic or a professional vet officer.
On day 12 to 14 of age (two weeks old) administer Ceva BIL or VH+H120 through eye drop or drinking water and repeat at day 21 or at three weeks of age.
Do this either by drinking water or use of eye drops in areas where the Newcastle disease outbreak is spreading.
Feel free to ask us for free for any further clarification.
Credits: KENCHIC (K) Ltd
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