Sukuma Wiki Farming in Kenya?
Sukuma wiki (collard greens) farming has become a lucrative business in Kenya, with significant potential for high returns. An acre of sukuma wiki can yield between 8,000 to 24,000 kilograms of leaves over a nine-month growth period. At a farm gate price of Ksh.30 per kilo, farmers can earn gross income ranging from Ksh.240,000 to Ksh.720,000.
While these figures may seem optimistic, they are grounded in reality, as demonstrated by the experience of Christopher Angote, a former biology and agriculture teacher who turned to full-time farming. Angote cultivates sukuma wiki on two acres of land in Munango village, Vihiga County, alongside other traditional vegetables like black nightshade (managu) and cowpeas (kunde). He grows about 30,000 sukuma wiki plants, which are harvested weekly, yielding him an income of between Ksh.20,000 and Ksh.36,000.
Angote attributes his success to proper farm management practices, such as the right spacing, use of organic manure, and careful pest control. He spaces his crops 30cm apart and rows 60cm apart, but emphasizes that closer spacing of 15cm x 40cm can significantly boost yields. This spacing allows for more plants per acre, helps suppress weeds, and reduces water evaporation, leading to a thicker, healthier crop canopy.
The choice of sukuma wiki variety also plays a crucial role in determining yield and profitability. Angote recommends the Collards Southern Georgia variety, which, though yielding slightly less than others, is known for its resistance to hot weather, durability during transport, and tender leaves when cooked.
Maintaining high organic matter in the soil is essential for optimal sukuma wiki growth. Rich, well-drained soil not only increases yield but also enhances the taste and texture of the kale. Farmers are advised to use organic matter like manure and compost, supplemented with inorganic fertilizers, to ensure their crops are sweet and tender rather than bitter.
Angote also advises against overharvesting, particularly during the dry season when kale is in high demand. Overharvesting can stress the plants, leading to lower yields. He recommends harvesting 3-5 leaves per plant, starting with the larger bottom leaves, and allowing the plants time to recover before the next harvest.
Irrigation is another critical factor in sukuma wiki farming. Regular watering, especially using overhead irrigation systems, is necessary to keep the crops healthy and ensure consistent yields. Irrigating in the evening helps conserve water and creates a favorable micro-climate for the plants.
In conclusion, with the right farming practices, sukuma wiki can be a highly profitable venture in Kenya, offering farmers a steady income and contributing to food security in the country.