Production of livestock feed from prosopis juliflora pods
Production of livestock feed from prosopis juliflora pods. Propopis juliflora commonly known as ‘Mathenge’, was introduced in Kenya to rehabilitate degraded dry lands. Prosopis occurs mainly in Northern Kenya, parts of the Rift Valley and coastal regions.
Propopis was introduced in Baringo County to combat desertification. However, due to the species fast growth prolific seeding, it soon became invasive and suppressed all other vegetation within its vicinity.
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Though prosopis can offer supplementary feed for livestock , the high sugar content in its pods has been reported to negatively affect livestock health.
To exploit the fodder potential of prosopis, a technology of producing animal feed from prosopis pods was introduced to groups in Baringo County. One such group is from Loboi, Kapliping, Sandai, Cheptanyinyi, and Araban Locations (LOKASACHA) of Marigat Sub County.
Procedure for making animal feed from prosopis pods: case of LOKASACHA group
LOKASACHA group uses locally available plant materials to make animal feeds. The feed is formulated using 30% prosopis pds and 70% of other plant materials. The ratio of other plant materials generally include maize cob 10%, Balanites aegyptica fruits 10%, Acacia tortils pods 10%, molasses 10% and grass 10%.
Production of livestock feed from prosopis juliflora pods
The plant materials are either collected from wild or cropland. Each material is sun dried and milled separately. Each milled material is weighed to desired ratio. The weighed materials are then all mixed to make the animal feed. The mixture can also be compressed into blocks using a compressing machine.
- Increased availability of animal feed all year round leading to reduced livestock mortality
- Milling prosopis pods destroys seeds, significantly reducing source of new invasion
This article was compiled using information collected from LOKASACHA group.
CADEP-SFM documented this information to enhance knowledge sharing in Africa. CADEP-SFM therefore acknowledges all institutions involved in development and promotion of this good practice.
For more information contact the director
Kenya Forestry Research Institute
P o box 20412-00200 Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: +254 722 157 414/734 251 888