Ministry of agriculture management structure
Mkulima today the largest organization in Kenya that works for farmers directly is the ministry of agriculture-based out of kilimo house and officially known as the ministry of agriculture, livestock, and fisheries.
The ministry works directly with other government agencies to ensure farmers are well informed and served.
Functions of the ministry of agriculture
The ministry of agriculture has a lot of functions and not limited to
i). Formulation, implementation and monitoring of agricultural legislations, regulations and policies
ii). Supporting agricultural research and promoting technology delivery
iii). Facilitating and representing agricultural state corporations in the government
iv). Development, implementation and coordination of programmes in the agricultural sector
v). Regulating and quality control of inputs, produce and products from the agricultural sector
vi). Management and control of pests and diseases
vii). Collecting, maintaining and managing information on agricultural sector
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Mission and Vision
The ministry’s vision is to secure a wealthy nation anchored by an innovative, commercially oriented and competitive agricultural sector.
The long term mission is to improve the livelihood of Kenyans and ensures food security through the creation of an enabling environment and ensuring sustainable natural resource management.
Talking of management the ministry is divided into several small units that work together in perfect harmony to ensure the mission and visions are achieved.
The head of the organization is the Cabinet Secretary.
He or she is then assisted by two chief administrative secretaries.
Four principal secretaries and three heads of different state departments.
Although the cabinet secretary is the head of the ministry he or she cannot make isolated decisions that affect the ministry and its state departments alone.
All decisions on important expenditure projects must be in collaboration with the permanent secretary.
This is because the PS is the administrative head and accounting officer of the ministry’s department they head.
The principal secretary’s job is more specific to the different state departments they head in the ministry.
They are mainly involved in the coordination of activities and programmes.
They also ascertain the proper functioning of the human resource.
Cabinet Secretary
Hon. Peter Gatirau Munya
Hon Peter Munya (born 1969) is the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperative.
Mr Munya took over the ministry on 14th January 2020 by appointment by President Uhuru Kenyatta.
This was after he was transferred from the Ministry of Trade and Industrialization.
Before that, he served as the cabinet secretary in the ministry of East African Community and Northern Corridor Development.
He is a politician who served as the first Governor of Meru County, and as the second Chairman of the Council of Governors.
Until his appointment as a Cabinet Secretary, he was the Party of National Unity (PNU) Leader.
In 2002 Peter Munya campaigned for and won the Tigania East parliamentary seat in the then Meru North District. He was subsequently sworn into the 9th Kenyan Parliament on 9 January 2003.
Chief Administrative secretaries
Anne Nyaga
Anne Nyaga is The Chief Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Fisheries and Cooperatives in the Government of Kenya.
An agripreneur with a rich background as a farmer, aggregator, transporter, and an expert on the watermelon value-chain.
she is renowned as one of the pioneers of the Kenyan youth agrarian revolution.
This is because she has spearheaded the revival of school-based agricultural clubs popularly known as 4-K and Young Farmers clubs.
She was previously the County Minister for Agriculture in the County Government of Embu.
Ms Nyaga was also the CEO of the 4-H Kenya Foundation, and founder and CEO of Farm2Home Ltd.
She is a talented fundraiser, innovator and mentor.
She holds a Bachelor of Science, Biomedical Science and Technology degree from Egerton University.
A proven organizational leader, she has a keen interest in Youth and Gender mainstreaming and the role of agriculture in youth empowerment.
Hon Linah Jebii Kilimo
Hon.Linah Jebii Kilimo was appointed by Kenya’s President as the Chief Administrative Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture in January 2020.
She served as the founder chairperson of the newly formed Anti-Female Genital Mutilation Board from December 2013- March 2017.
Hon. Kilimo served the government of Kenya in various capacities that include being the immediate former
- Assistant Minister for Cooperative Development (2008-2013);
- Minister of Immigration (2004-2005) and
- Minister of State, Office of the Vice President (2003-2004).
Her distinguished service earned her more responsibilities in the National Assembly of Kenya.
Key among these responsibilities is Chairperson of the Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KEWOPA) where she served between 2008-2013.
Permanent secretaries
Prof. Hamidi Iddi Boga – Crop Development and Agricultural Research
Mr. Harry Kimutai – Livestock
Mr. Ali Ismail, CBS – Cooperatives
Prof. Japheth M. Ntiba, CBS – Fisheries, aquaculture and the Blue Economy
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